Mediterranean season at the TNC - From 20 to 28 April

Mediterranean season at the TNC - From 20 to 28 April

We want to discover what happens theatrically in one of the most culturally active countries in the Mediterranean, Lebanon. To this end, for one week the TNC will become the house of Lebanon with Barcelona Calling Beirut

Playwrights, musicians and actors from a country devastated by the economic and political crisis who, despite censorship, struggle to work in freedom.

Enjoy the BCB season

The pack enables you to see the shows you like from the season.

  • Pack BCP 10 € : Young people, unemployed and disabled people / 15 €: +65 years old and other collectives
  • Unique tickets .


Chrystele Khodr
Sala Tallers - Wednesday 24 April at 7 pm and Thursday 25 April at 7 pm
Length: 90 min
Show in Arabic with subtitles in Catalan

Chrystèle Khodr is a performer who disagrees with the idyllic reading of the national model. Ordalie speaks about masculinity and the destruction of Lebanon.
A show about hope that seeks to end the cycle of impunity and destruction in which the Lebanese have grown up since their civil war.

Fitxa artística

Youmna Saba
Paint workshop - Thursday 25 April at 9 pm
Length: 45 min

Youmna Saba is a musicologist from Beirut who currently focuses on researching the musical dimension or dimensions of the Arabic language as a tool to generate new methods of working with electronic music. Saba focuses her studies on the parallels between classical Arab music and Arab visual art. She wrote her fifth solo album, Wishah, after leaving Beirut to live in Paris.

Ghalia’s Miles
Maya Zbib
Dramatised reading
Paint workshop - Friday 26 April at 6 pm
Length: 90 min
Show in Catalan

Ghalia's Miles draws the changing map of the Lebanon region through the innocent and courageous eyes of Ghalia, a pregnant teenager who flees Lebanon in hope of building a new life in Europe. The protagonist becomes the representation of young people's ability to adapt to the uncertain environments of today's world. The play by Maya Zbib, director and playwright of the company Zoukak, arrives at the TNC in the form of a dramatised reading with a cast of Catalan actors and actresses who she directs herself.
Fitxa artística

The Love Behind My Eyes
Ali Chahrour
Sala Tallers - Friday 26 April at 8.30 pm
Length: 50 min

This dance piece is an idyll immersed in the darkness of forbidden passions. A tragic love story between two men in the Arab world. Far removed from Western models, Ali Chahrour choreographs The Love Behind My Eyes using a language inspired by Arab myths, lyrical poetry and his country’s political, social and religious context, and makes one of the most beautiful loving tributes that have ever emerged on the coasts of the Mediterranean.

Fitxa artística

I Hate Theatre, I Love Pornography
Zoukak Theatre Company
Sala Tallers - Saturday 27 April at 8.30 pm and Sunday 28 April at 6 pm
Length: 60 min
Show in English with subtitles in Catalan

The Zoukak company, a collective created in 2006 in Beirut dedicated to social and political theatre that seeks collective reflection as a weapon against marginalisation, presents a show that uses theatricality as a tool to challenge our stance as artists and as individuals faced with the multiple representations of corruption. The company wonders how to position oneself amidst the obscenity of this political opportunism. A walk through the most popular stories of the Middle East, specifically served to meet the needs and expectations of the Western audience.

Fitxa artística

DJ session
Taller de pintura - Saturday 27 April at 9.30 pm
Length: 90 min

Renata was born in Beirut. London's underground scene caught her attention and made her the musical artist she is today. Her sound has been shaped over several years of explorations based on drums and rhythm boxes from a perspective of deconstruction and reconstruction. An expression of dissent in constant evolution.

Altres activitats

24 April at 8.30 p.m.
Sala Tallers

Meeting with the artists of Barcelona calling Beirut, led by Mohamad Bitari. With Ali Chahrour, Chrystèle Khodr, Hanane Hajj Ali, Maya Zbib, Omar Abi Azar and Youmna Saba. Free admission, limited capacity.


Artistic advisor and coordinator
Anne Goalard

Executive Producer
Art Republic

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