Sociedad Doctor Alonso
Sala Gran. Running time: 55 min
15 and 16 June 2022, 8 pm
Price: 8€
Sociedad Doctor Alonso creates an interactive show, a journey to explore our relationship with space.
Focusing on the concept of “Hammam” as a container of an ambiance and a temperature, Hammamturgia captures the flow of bodies and suggests transformations to activate a choreographic piece which dialogues with space and time.
Like the theory of endosymbiosis by Lynn Margulis, who sees the bacterial relationship as a crucial engine of life and adaptation, Sociedad Doctor Alonso researches a symbiotic relationship between creators, spectators, space and the theatre piece to examine how exterior conditions modify the relationships between bodies.
Move through the Sala Gran in a new way. Go up on the stage, enter and walk through, look at the environmental conditions and let things happen. Transform yourself while transforming the piece.