- Carme Montoriol
- Directed by Mònica Bofill
- Sala Petita
- 10/06/2021 al 13/06/2021
An acute insight into maternity by one of the great female voices of Catalan drama
The playwright and translator Carme Montoriol, with her short yet very subtle dramatic work, deserves a privileged place among the great modern classics of Catalan drama. In L’huracà, released in 1935, she portrays with enormous psychological subtlety the distressing conflict of a woman tragically absorbed by the possessive relationship that her son is obsessively demanding.
The day after the premiere at the Teatre Poliorama, within the official season subsidised by the Republican Government of Catalonia, the review by the newspaper La Noche affirmed that Montoriol’s play was the best piece of that season at the Teatre Català de la Comèdia. After the Civil War, the writer adopted a strict literary silence, and her work was also omitted from the stage for decades.
The playwright and translator Carme Montoriol, with her short yet very subtle dramatic work, deserves a privileged place among the great modern classics of Catalan drama. In L’huracà, released in 1935, she portrays with enormous psychological subtlety the distressing conflict of a woman tragically absorbed by the possessive relationship that her son is obsessively demanding.
The day after the premiere at the Teatre Poliorama, within the official season subsidised by the Republican Government of Catalonia, the review by the newspaper La Noche affirmed that Montoriol’s play was the best piece of that season at the Teatre Català de la Comèdia. After the Civil War, the writer adopted a strict literary silence, and her work was also omitted from the stage for decades.
- Show included in the season tickets.
Production team
- Author
- Carme Montoriol
- Directed by
- Mònica Bofill
- Dramaturgy
- Anna Maria Ricart
- Cast
- Quim Àvila, Montse Germán, Júlia Jové, Josep Julien and Gemma Martínez