Select the option 'Send as a gift' at the time of purchase or from your personal space.
To who: family, couple, friends... to everyone you want! You can also write a dedication.
How: your gift will arrive by email.
When: you can program the day you want it to arrive. In the case of books, you will have to pick up the order at the TNC box office.
Special price -15%
Buy before the premiere, discount day (Wednesday), TNC season ticket holders (tickets not included in season tickets), groups (+10 people), +65, the disabled (companion free) and large, single-parent and foster families. Friday and Saturday evening: young people under 35 and the unemployed. Proof of status required.
Youth price -50%
50% discount for Carnet Jove, youths under 35 and the unemployed, except for El TNC Petit, which has a fixed price of €8. Proof of status required.
Student price
Education centres in performances for schools. Performances for general audiences and adult education centres, check
Taller Jo també vaig al TNC A different way for the family to share the experience of going to the theater. While the adults attend the performance, the children can be enjoying a playful activity related to the theater in the same Conservatory. Special promotion 50% discount on your tickets! Buy here.
A: L’Hèroe, La nit de la iguana, Opening Night, L’Emperadriu del Paral·lel, Billy’s Violence.
B: Decameró, Malditas plumas, Solitud, Encara hi ha algú al bosc, De què parlem mentre no parlem de tota aquesta merda, Galatea, Ahir, La dona trencada, Monroe-Lamarr, Testimoni de guerra, Hidden.
C: L’huracà, La Font de la Pólvora, Heroïnes o res, Mare de sucre.
D: Ex-libris, Kàtia, Horta, Full House, El Pot Petit.
Free shows:
Solitud a Stromboli. Somnis, signes i símbols
Una venjança com n'hi ha poques + Es rifa un home! + Les cartes
1869– lectura dramatitzada a la Biblioteca Rossend Arús
Onsite and online free events
Check the calendar of events here and the TNC's Live here.