December 2020


Una venjança com n'hi ha poques + Es rifa un home! + Les cartes

  • Lluïsa Denís, Rosa Maria Arquimbau and Víctor Català
  • Directed by Ester Villamor, Marta Aran and Clara Manyós
  • Sala Petita
  • 22/12/2020

Three early 20th century women playwrights of Catalan theatre that deserve to be rediscovered

Three plays by three multidisciplinary creators in which the facet of women playwrights coexists quite naturally with that of other fields such as the visual arts, music or journalism.

In Una venjança com n’hi ha poques, a “tragedy in one act”, the final meeting between a rich bourgeois man and his lover enables Lluïsa Denís to depict the violence concealed in the unequal relations between the sexes. The playwright published her only two plays in 1931, the year of the death of her husband Santiago Rusiñol, with whom Denís’ second play, Els caçadors furtius, explicitly dialogues.

In Es rifa un home!, a “satirical note in one act” from 1935 and the first play by Rosa Maria Arquimbau, a ladies’ club organises a draw to adopt an attractive young aristocrat who has lost everything because of the advent of the Republic. In the Teatre Romea and the Teatre Poliorama the company Vila-Daví premiered three other plays by the writer during the Spanish Civil War but her work as a whole remained unseen.

Les cartes is one of Víctor Català’s most amazing plays and was published a year after the death of Caterina Albert. In this monologue, presented as a theatrical experiment by "an actor well known by the audience," an anonymous woman tries to explain her misfortunes with a narrative and linguistic spontaneity that constantly puts the theatrical codes in tension, and anticipates the tragicomic irony of Mercè Rodoreda’s theatre.

Una venjança com n'hi ha poques, de Lluïsa Denís
Direcció: Ester Villamor

Es rifa un home!, de Rosa Maria Arquimbau
Direcció: Marta Aran

Les cartes, de Víctor Català
Direcció: Clara Manyós

Production team

Lluïsa Denís, Rosa Maria Arquimbau and Víctor Català
Directed by
Ester Villamor, Marta Aran and Clara Manyós
  • + Information
    Una venjança com n’hi ha poques

    Ester Villamor

    Video creation
    Alfonso Ferri

    Berta Giraut
    Albert Pérez
    Martina Roura
    Quim Àvila

    Les cartes

    Clara Manyós

    Carla Torres
    David Verdaguer
    Es rifa un home!

    Marta Aran

    Laia Alsina i Riera
    Júlia Barceló
    Denise Duncan
    Pep García Pascual
    Rocío Manzano
    Laura Vila Kremer

    Space, costumes and characterization
    Patricia Albizu

    Lighting y sound
    Anna Boix

    Teatre Nacional de Catalunya
