May 2024


Baby no more

  • VVAA Col·lectiu
  • Directed by Anna Serrano Gatell
  • Sala Tallers
  • 16/05/24 al 02/06/24

We are growing older and we are growing apart. An exploration on the collective fact

BABY NO MORE is the need for a plan in life, the question as to whether we can achieve it collectively or if the tendency is to pull apart. In this struggle for something of who we are in the present to survive us, a group tries to stay together. At the same time, a woman has chosen to separate from the group and freeze her eggs for the future.

While the woman’s process of hormone treatment and fertilisation develops, the group needs to try out ways of establishing itself so that being together in the face of the threat of time running out is meaningful. As the nightmare progresses, the arguments fade away and we push against the idea that this is the last dance. We freeze this moment like a woman freezes her eggs, we play at multiplying on stage, at giving birth again, at restarting the endings so that nothing is ever finished, over and over again.
Over and over again.

Production team

VVAA Col·lectiu
Directed by
Anna Serrano Gatell
Eva Mir
VVAA Col·lectiu
Clara Aguilar, Marc Cartanyà, Max Grosse Majench, Elena Martín, Sandra Pujol Torguet, Marc Salicrú and Laura Weissmahr
  • + Information
    Lighting and set design
    Marc Salicrú

    Sound space and original music
    Clara Aguilar

    Costume design
    Chloe Campbell

    Costume assistant
    Violeta Montaner

    Aimar Pérez Galí

    Set design assistant
    Paula González
    Set construction
    Escenografies Moià

    Video design
    Laura Subirats
    Miquel Cardiel

    Video technical support
    Martín Elena
    Efren Bellostes

    Technical and management teams of the company

    Production management
    Eduard Autonell

    Executive production
    Gina Aspa Miralta

    Technical direction
    Oriol Ibáñez Fauquer
    Marto Pérez

    Promotional photography
    Pol Rebaque

    Student in direction practice of Escola Eòlia
    Imai Adalid

    With the support of
    Departament de Cultura

    VVAA Col·lectiu, Teatre Nacional de Catalunya

    Nau Ivanow, Sala Beckett, Dietrich Grosse, to Marina Garcés and her book “El temps i la prome”, to Roberto Juarroz and his poem “Sometimes it seems to me” for being an inspiration for the creation of Baby no more and all VVAA collaborators
