Desig sota els oms
- Eugene O’Neill
- Directed by Joan Ollé
- Sala Gran
- 19/10/17 al 26/11/17
While gold fever is taking the young to the West, an old southern farmer remains loyal to the old rocky ground that with the graft of an entire life he has managed to turn into cultivable land. When his three sons discover that the old man has married again, to a much younger woman keen to claim the inheritance, all the tensions accumulated over the years within the walls of that property will explode.
Under the disturbing impassiveness of the great elms around the house, the exacerbated desire of possessing both the land and the woman will thwart the life of the protagonists of this foundational tragedy of American drama, written just before the start of the Great Depression with the Wall Street Crash of 1929.
Published text: Arola Editors and TNC Club de lectura, TNC/Biblioteques públiques de Catalunya.
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Production team
- Author
- Eugene O’Neill
- Directed by
- Joan Ollé
- Cast
- Carles Arquimbau, Ivan Benet, Pepo Blasco, Àngel Cerdanya, Laura Conejero, Pep Cruz, Lluís Gómez, Àngela Jové, Eduard Muntada, Laura Pujolàs, Santi Ricart, Iban Beltran, Àngel Cerdanya “El Sueco”, Carol Duran, Noël Olivé i Gal·la Sabaté