November 2022



  • Directed by Jordi Pérez Solé
  • Sala Tallers
  • 03/11/2022 al 13/11/2022

A group of young people confront the future to come

We went to secondary school together, but we met online, at the bottom of Narcissus’ lake. Who would have imagined that to get out of it we would have this adventure. In the heart of Europe. Where the earth is flat and the sky is white. Where big decisions are made. We just needed an idea to blow it all up. Just one. But having a great idea is not easy. It involves breaking the mirror itself, compromising the strength of the group, or even making the world a little worse.

Seven young people at a European convention have the responsibility, or are faced with the difficult situation, of staging another possible future in front of the political leaders responsible for the 2030 Agenda. In their hands, the opportunity to change the rules of a world condemned to drift in a global emergency with no return. Where to start? The countdown has begun.


Intempèrie depicts the uncertainty, vulnerability, precariousness and mental health of young people trapped in the nets of neoliberalism. The contemporary imperative is to live without an idea, at the service of the voracious anarchy of platform capitalism, where the digital prison is transparent and life is a big stage 24/7. Through theatre as a tool of protest and a form of representation, a group of young people confront their expectations for the future, in search of the idea of a better world. This is the starting point of the story of the real journey that took these young people to the European Parliament in Strasbourg, where they had the opportunity to stage another possible future in front of the whole of Europe. A big challenge to rebel against the established norms and set out on an emancipating endeavour, one of those that seek to change the world, one that blows everything apart, including the group of young people themselves. A great opportunity, a great hope, or a great farce.

Jordi Pérez Solé

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Production team

Directed by
Jordi Pérez Solé
Clara Matas i Jordi Pérez Solé
Aleix Aguilà and Jordi Pérez Solé
Rita Baliarda, Óscar Bujía, Laura de Frutos, Jana Lafuente, Ares Llucià, Berta Rabascall, Mireia Ruíz
  • + Information
    Aleix Aguilà

    Set and costume design
    Sergi Corbera
    Paula Font

    Lighting design
    Ganecha Gil
    Ivan Chamorro

    Original music
    Tomàs Peire

    Sound space
    Marc Urrutia
    Bernat Villà

    Músic original production
    Lucas Peire
    Musical collaboration

    Laura Calvet
    Fàtima Campos

    Ivan Chamorro

    Production and communication

    Support production
    Carmen Queró
    Maria Vidal

    A co-production of Téntol with the Mostra Igualada and the Teatre Nacional de Catalunya
    Project selected by the Production and Exhibition Support Programme of Mostra Igualada

    With the support of
    Teatre Tantarantana, Nau Ivanow, Beca de Creació and Recerca del Departament de Cultura de la Generalitat de Catalunya

    Fàtima Campos
    Marta Salarich
    973 Events
    INS Milà i Fontanals
    INS Ramon Berenguer IV
    Xarxa de Valors de l’Ajuntament de Santa Coloma de Gramenet
    Teatre Sagarra
