La mort i la primavera
- Mercè Rodoreda
- Adaptation and direction Joan Ollé
- Sala Petita
- 24/10/19 al 10/11/19
The great posthumous novel by Mercè Rodoreda traps us with its shocking poetry
A strange ritual ensures the stability of a village where sexual desires are systematically repressed with all kinds of torture. Every year, the life of a young person is sacrificed there, thrown into the river to check the state of an underground tunnel that runs below. In the violent rigour of this cast-iron order, it seems that any dissidence can cause a cataclysm of unpredictable consequences.
A masterpiece of Catalan fiction, this novel published posthumously is considered the great literary testament of Mercè Rodoreda. A text of great poetic richness and at the same time with a surprisingly sharp perspective on the ancestral violence that underpins contemporary disquiet.
A strange ritual ensures the stability of a village where sexual desires are systematically repressed with all kinds of torture. Every year, the life of a young person is sacrificed there, thrown into the river to check the state of an underground tunnel that runs below. In the violent rigour of this cast-iron order, it seems that any dissidence can cause a cataclysm of unpredictable consequences.
A masterpiece of Catalan fiction, this novel published posthumously is considered the great literary testament of Mercè Rodoreda. A text of great poetic richness and at the same time with a surprisingly sharp perspective on the ancestral violence that underpins contemporary disquiet.
- Show included in the season tickets.
Production team
- Author
- Mercè Rodoreda
- Adaptation and direction
- Joan Ollé
- Cast
- Joan Anguera, Pepo Blasco, Sara Morera, Rosa Renom, Francesc Colomer and Roger Vilà