November 2019


Mateix dia. Mateixa hora. Mateix lloc.

  • A community creation project by Lali Álvarez and HUI BAS
  • Conception, dramaturgy and direction Lali Álvarez Garriga
  • Sala Tallers
  • 21/11/19 al 24/11/19

Is it possible to change the world? How would you do it?

“You have to act as if it were possible to radically transform the world. And you have to do it all the time.”
Angela Davis

The first Saturday of October 2008, in Reykjavik, Hördur Torfason decided to stand in front of the Icelandic parliament with a pot and around fifty friends. He wanted to create a parliament in the street to denounce government corruption and suggest ideas. His revolt was clear and simple: they would meet every Saturday, at the same time and in the same place. After almost four months of resistance, on 24 January 2009, there were over 7,000 people in the square, and a few days later they brought about the resignation of the government.

Greta Thunberg, a 15-year-old student, decided to demonstrate in front of the parliament of her country every Friday. It was the fuse for Fridays for Future, the movement that has brought hundreds of thousands of young Europeans to strike every Friday to protest against the inaction of governments and people over the emergency of climate change. And they don’t intend to stop, because their life depends on it.

Is it possible to change the world? And, you, how would you do it?

In Mateix dia. Mateixa hora. Mateix lloc. by the company Hui Basa we meet a group of youths aged between 16 and 18 and a group people aged over 65 to travel together in search of this strange optimism that moves people who change the world. And... we will look at the world and try to change it!

Are you in?

Production team

A community creation project by Lali Álvarez and HUI BAS
Conception, dramaturgy and direction
Lali Álvarez Garriga
Rosa Agut, Noa Alcaraz, Jordi Aragonés, Agustí Badia, Sonia Espinosa, Paloma Fernández, Francesc Ferrando, Lorda Ferrrer, Clara Garcés, Anna Maria Guix, Rosa Guri, Asha Liberty, Feliz López, Pepita Magriñà, Carla Martínez, Anna Victòria Montero, Maria Montserrat Botet, Lara Oliete, Andrea Serra Conejero, Milah Stoleru and David Teixidó
  • + Information
    Sound space
    Pau Matas

    Actoral training
    David Teixidó and Sonia Espinosa

    Dramaturgy assistant
    Clara Garcés
    Direction assistance
    Eulàlia Ballart

    Scenography assistance
    Carla Álvarez

    Executive production
    Aina Juanet
    Teatre Nacional de Catalunya, "la Caixa", within the framework of the programs Art for Change and CaixaEscena, and Hui Basa

    In collaboration with
    Nau Ivanow

    Ignasi Álvarez
    Luc Arié
    David Saldaña
    Gary Shochat
