April 2025


Present vulnerable

  • Companyia Raravis / Andrés Corchero–Rosa Muñoz
  • Sala Petita
  • 09.07.09 al 19.07.09

Present vulnerable is a production that fuses poetry and dance. In Present vulnerable, Andrés Corchero and Rosa Muñoz propose a new encounter between the body and the poem, this time based on the work of Feliu Formosa, Honorific Award of Catalan Literature, in 2005. The production takes the title of the first collection of diaries published by this poet and playwright. Muñoz and Corchero, who had already explored the work of Feliu Formosa, reinterpret the Cançoner, which the poet published in 1974. A book of poems that is an alarming account of the loss of the beloved person and which, in Present vulnerable, is located between what is real and what is intangible. In the non-acceptance of disappearance, in the denial of death and in the emptiness of reality. And all expressed and relived through body language. An approach to the intense experience of poetry through the world of dance.

Production team

Companyia Raravis / Andrés Corchero–Rosa Muñoz
  • + Information
    Direcció i coreografia Andrés Corchero Rosa Muñoz Set design Sebastià Brosa Vestuari Caterina Pérez Il·luminació Llorenç Parra Andrés Corchero Espai sonor Joan Saura Ajudanta de direcció Bea González
    Amb Diego Anido Constanza Brncic Jordi Mas Rosa Muñoz Xavier Ripoll Producció Teatre Nacional de Catalunya, Raravis i Grec'09 Festival de Barcelona Amb el suport de Departament de Cultura i Mitjans de Comunicació de la Generalitat de Catalunya i Ajuntament de Barcelona-ICUB Amb la col·laboració de Les Golfes de Can Fabra
