Afanys d’amor perduts
- Sold out!
- William Shakespeare
- Directed by Pere Planella
- Sala Petita
- 17/01/19 al 24/02/19
The King of Navarre and three of his knights have sworn to forsake worldly pleasures for three years to exclusively devote themselves to study. They have even prohibited any woman from coming within a thousand miles of the court. But they are soon visited by the Princess of France with the objective of reclaiming the territories of Aquitaine, so the four nobles find themselves forced to break their oath to confront the real world and their desires.
Pere Planella, co-founder of Teatre Lliure and Zitzània Teatre, is celebrating his 50th birthday this season as stage director with one of Shakespeare’s most refined comedies, contemporary of A Midsummer Night’s Dream and Romeo and Juliet.
Script of the play published by Arola Editors and TNC. When you come to the see the show, you can get a special premiere edition of the text at the price of 3 €.
This play is included in the project Club de lectura “Llegir el teatre” (reading theatre clubs) of TNC/Biblioteques públiques de Catalunya.
Pere Planella, co-founder of Teatre Lliure and Zitzània Teatre, is celebrating his 50th birthday this season as stage director with one of Shakespeare’s most refined comedies, contemporary of A Midsummer Night’s Dream and Romeo and Juliet.
Script of the play published by Arola Editors and TNC. When you come to the see the show, you can get a special premiere edition of the text at the price of 3 €.
This play is included in the project Club de lectura “Llegir el teatre” (reading theatre clubs) of TNC/Biblioteques públiques de Catalunya.
Production team
- Author
- William Shakespeare
- Directed by
- Pere Planella
- Translated by
- Salvador Oliva
- Adapted by
- Roger Cònsul i Pere Planella
- Cast
- David Anguera, Maria Calvet, Queralt Casassayas, Sara Espígul, Sílvia Forns, Oriol Genís, Carles Martínez, Aleix Melé, Pep Anton Muñoz, Laura Pau, Arnau Puig, Mima Riera and Peter Vives