- Sold out!
- Peeping Tom
- Concept and direction Gabriela Carrizo and Frank Chartier
- Sala Gran
- 11/07/19 al 12/07/19
The latest creation of Peeping Tom, the Belgian company that has stirred up dance and stage language
Gabriela Carrizo and Franck Chartier direct the third part of a family trilogy by the Belgian company Peeping Tom. Using childhood as a starting point, with its fears and desires, Kind investigates the changes of perspective in the way children see the world as they grow up, and how this translates into gestures and body language.
What happens in traumatic situations, in which the perception of the body is seemingly anesthetised? How do children handle their quest for truth? And how do they organise their world through fantasy, role play or imitations to master certain situations or dynamics?
Gabriela Carrizo and Franck Chartier direct the third part of a family trilogy by the Belgian company Peeping Tom. Using childhood as a starting point, with its fears and desires, Kind investigates the changes of perspective in the way children see the world as they grow up, and how this translates into gestures and body language.
What happens in traumatic situations, in which the perception of the body is seemingly anesthetised? How do children handle their quest for truth? And how do they organise their world through fantasy, role play or imitations to master certain situations or dynamics?
Production team
- Author
- Peeping Tom
- Concept and direction
- Gabriela Carrizo and Frank Chartier
- Created and performed by
- Eurudike De Beul, Maria Carolina Vieira, Marie Gyselbrecht, Brandon Lagaert, Hun-Mok Jung, Yi-Chun Liu
- Artistic assistance
- Lulu Tikovsky